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Do you still remember the last time?

Tasting freedom, flooding your soul.

Watched the sun set over the ocean.

Sat on beaches thousand times,

When our cups were filled.

Followed the whales,

Towards the sun.

Were broke in bliss,

But won against all odds.

The magic of those mornings,

Days when endings were unknown.

Had nowhere to be, so much to see.

What feels this right can’t be wrong.

I’d give everything for that freedom,

To just taste this for one more time.

Oh darling, how for is it all gone,

Dried sobriety washed up to shore,

Fill my cups just one last time,

One more drop to fill my soul,

Just to remember the taste.

2. November 2021

About this Poem

The taste of freedom. So addicting and if you’ve ever  felt it, it’s hard to forget. It makes everything seem possible. But freedom comes at a high price. It demands sacrifices. They say freedom is the highest good of human kind and yet we bound ourselves to different roles in our lives. Social, economical and environmental duties. Forced behaviour.  So how free are we really?